Just Play Project creates time + space for children's right to play. Summer 2017, 1 lead playworker and 3 teen playworkers supported play for our 8-week FREE play ranging project summer program in Ithaca City parks. We provided free play opportunities for over 100 children, at no cost to children and families in need of summer care and leisure activities. Partnering with Ithaca Youth Bureau’s Youth Employment Services (YES!) - JPP hired and trained playworkers to work in public parks in Northside to support child-directed free play and create connections with neighborhood children. In Summer 2018, JPP expanded summer programming to Wood Street Park in Southside/Titus Flats to reach more children and families.

Summer 2021, Just Play Project and Unbroken Promise Initiative (UPI) are embarking on a new collaboration. UPI is a grassroots neighborhood revitalization and racial justice nonprofit dedicated to uplifting the West End community of Ithaca. JPP will be offering children in the West Village community a 6-week summer play program, in their neighborhood.

Come & Just Play! 

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